I think that says it all. |
Musings from the, perhaps slightly touched, mind of the leading social commentator of our time.
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Please leave comments on the posts below by clicking on the time stamp or "comment" link next to it at the bottom of each post.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Harrumph File #031 08.30.2010_ Baby on board
Harrumph File #030 08.23.2010_ I miss the Soviet Union
Yeah, they were bad guys...but they were our bad guys! |
Harrumph File #029 08.16.2010_ “Opulence…I has it.”
“Opulence…I has it.” Have you seen this commercial for DirecTV? If not, then let me sketch it out for you. You see this freaky Russian guy, obviously part of the Russian mafia, wearing a real smarmy gold sweater, walking through his house (which is adorned with paintings, marble, chandeliers & all kinds of expensive items,) past bodyguards & a pack of dogs playing poker. He is, of course, flanked by chicks wearing fur coats and Rolexes, holding golden busts of himself that he selects “the best” from, because…he likes the best. He’s even eating golden grapes. Golden grapes? Jeeze, you’d never catch The Rat Pack eating golden grapes. Anyway, he also likes “savings the money,” so when he takes his golden TV remote off of the stack of gold bars one of the groupies is holding and turns on his TV, he tells us when he gets a good deal he “jumps in it.” Then comes the worst part of the commercial. He looks over, leans down, and gets a kiss from his…tiny, miniature giraffe. Are you kidding me? A tiny, cute as a button, iddy-bitty giraffe…sitting on a little, comfy pillow? Now, I like DirecTV as much as the next guy but this is ridiculous!!! A tiny giraffe? A tiny giraffe dispensing kisses on demand? I just can’t put up with this. I mean, come on, DirecTV, this just isn’t fair!!! Do you know that the first time that ad aired Google received more than 20 million search requests for “How can I get a miniature giraffe?”* And, yes, I was one of those poor schleps trying to find out if I could buy a tiny, cute, miniature giraffe for my wife. Of, course, to my disappointment, I found out that giraffes do not come in tiny, cute sizes. They apparently only come in one size…monstrosity size. And they’re not cute. They’re slobbering, lumbering freaks of nature…unless they’re tiny…but they don’t come in tiny! You know what else? There are still people out there that think we have zoos for dinosaurs. And why do people think we have real dinosaurs running around, opening doors & figuring out patrol patterns & tiny giraffes just waiting to give you a kiss? It’s the movies. Movies nowadays seem to rely on just one thing to attract audiences…super dooper special effects. Don’t get me wrong here; I like special effects as much as the next guy. I mean, there’s really nothing like seeing a group of people running from a pack of zombies…they get cornered in a dead end alley…the zombies begin closing in, eye balls hanging out of their sockets, arms bitten off & cool stuff like that…shuffling closer & closer…until…yeah, until that “one guy” that everyone was making fun of at the beginning of the movie for “preparing” for just this moment, pulls out a 12 gauge and begins exploding zombie heads like they’re cans of Sherman-Williams best “fire engine” red! BLAM! Oh yeah, who wants in the bunker now, assholes? I tell you what, if there’s a doctor with a nice set of jugs among the survivors, I think we’ve narrowed it down a bit. Anyway, that is nothing like what you’ve got to process at the movies today. There’s so much stuff flying around when two gigantic robots start fighting that you really don’t know where the good monster stops and where the bad monster begins. I don’t know how many times I’ve heard some baffled kid, after the big fight scene, mutter to his parents “dad, did Optimus-floptimus win or did Gargantuus-giganticus win?”** Here’s something that you may not know: Do you know the real reason Star Wars Episodes I through III sucked? No, it’s not because of that annoying “Me-sa Jar-Jar Binks” guy, the devil-child, or the fact that if Obi-wan really “loved him like a brother” he would’ve lightsabered Anakin through the head to put him out of his misery when he was laying on that bed of molten lava…instead of leaving him there smoldering & screaming in agony. “Oh, but I will take this lightsaber that you’ve left laying on the ground in order to patch up a hole in the plot of Episode IV.” Really? So, the real reason those “prequels” sucked is because the space fight scenes were as crowded as a trainload of Pakistanis fleeing from the righteous bombardment of our glorious air force (Allies? C’mon!) There were just too many fighters, too many laser blasts, too many little robots scuttling around cutting too many holes in too many parts of the spaceships they’re flying. Ummm, why don’t the robots just cut a hole in the canopy? Simple…because it would only have taken one special effect. Face it, special effects guys are showoffs. I can imagine some of them sitting around in a meeting eating skittles: “Hey, I heard that ‘Transfloppers XII’ has a scene with 983 different robot parts flying through 347 degrees…in 3D. Lucas says we have to beat that by 20% on our next production.” Jeeze, special effects guys. C’mon, everyone knows they don’t make robots with more than 350 parts total. So anyway, now they’re making movies with realistic, cute, little animals and cool dinosaurs to grab our attention. I tell you, it just isn’t fair. How do you tell your kids that dinosaurs are extinct when they say “but daddy, I just saw them on TV and can I get one of the cute, little green ones for my birthday?” So thanks a lot, special effects guys, for making the jobs of parents that much more difficult. Oh, and there’s one last thing I have to correct that “opulence” guy on. He may “like the best,” but the best “bust” on that commercial wasn’t made of gold. Harrumph…
* This fact is not necessarily supported by actual data.
** Never actually heard in public.
* This fact is not necessarily supported by actual data.
** Never actually heard in public.
Harrumph File #028 08.09.2010_ Border invasions! (Official Harrumph Files alert…this is not a test.)
ATTENTION! ATTENTION! ATTENTION! THIS IS AN OFFICIAL HARRUMPH FILES ALERT! INVASION!!! Sound the Civil Defense alarms! Our borders are being overrun by illegals and the Border Patrol is doing nothing about it!!
People, arm yourselves and form your militia units, we’re marching to the border!!! Recently, there have been several instances of grizzly bears crossing the border from (where else?) Canada, and attacking hikers and campers on the trails and in their tents. Outrageous!!!…OUTRAGEOUS!!!!! Yes, I kid you not; grizzly bears are actually running amok and attacking people in the lower 48! Now, I thought that we had, by the 1970’s, pushed those slobbering, yellow-eyed, man-killing menaces back to Alaska, where they belong. But noooo, apparently they have decided to test our northern border defenses (probably with help from those evil Chinese) while attention is focused on the millions of illegals (of another kind) waltzing across our southern border into the open arms of gibbering, slobbering “progressives,” distributing counterfeit green cards, pre-printed stimulus checks, and welcome baskets. Anyway, check this out: there’s this bear in Tokyo, or maybe Beijing (really, what’s the difference… to a cruise missile… muahahahaha!!!) that has learned to use a ninja stick! Yeah, it’s true! I’ve seen this bear with my own eyes* sitting in his enclosure twirling a ninja staff around like a pro (or Jackie Chan.) Ummm, hello? Bears are arming themselves now? WTF? I even heard that thousands of “Mama grizzlies” are going to be marching on Washington D.C. this November. WHA? They’re organized? Dang, imagine that…thousands of pissed off, hungry grizzlies roaming the mall, eating tourists they capture on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial while…(rustling from off camera…more rustling…“I’m sorry, what was that?” *mumbling* “Yeah, mama grizzlies…wha? Just some political speech? Ummmmm…yeah, I knew that…I knew ‘cause it was a silly idea anyway…I mean, just think of the transportation problems…thousands of traveling grizzly bears would require like 10 Amtrak trains & stuff…”) OK, so they might not be eating the politicians in D.C. (probably make them vomit anyway…) no matter how much we might want them to. But they ARE ripping into the tents of ordinary citizens and devouring them. What the heck is going on around here? Can’t we divert a couple of predator drones or maybe an Apache attack helicopter and teach these bears to keep their stinking paws off of our pick-a-nic baskets? I saw how Ranger Smith took care of that meddling Yogi by enlisting Peter Griffin to quietly stick that knife in his back. Yeah, “smarter than the ‘av-er-age’ bear,” huh? I don’t think so, Yogi. Maybe it’s time we started eating bears for a change, huh? I mean, check this out: over at Panda Express there ain’t one single panda dish on the menu! Yeah, they got some tasty chicken & shrimp over there but I want some panda! Sweet & Sour Panda… General Tso’s Panda… Panda mu shu gu shu… I don’t really care, I just want some panda. We’re making a statement here. Speaking of making a statement, I’ve heard (through my contacts in the National Park Service) that even Smokey the Bear is going “gangsta.” Remember the 1970’s commercial about pollution with the crying Indian? You know, he wasn’t really crying because of pollution. He was actually sad because he didn’t get in on the ground floor of that new casino they’re building over on Maple Street (or, as the native Americans used to call it: “Maple Street.”) Well, I think there was a concurrent ad with a crying Smokey…standing there in a burnt out forest…maybe a baby deer ran by with a rabbit & skunk in tow, I dunno. Anyway, the new Smokey the Bear ads are a little different. I’ve seen the test footage.** Imagine, if you will, Smokey the Bear standing in that same burnt out forest, but this time there’s no baby deer, no rabbit or cute skunk. No, just a guy standing next to Smokey…could be anybody…still holding the butt of the cigarette that caused it all between his fingers. Smokey turns to him, grabs him by the neck and, as his blood begins to boil & his breath begins to melt the offenders’ face, says: “I thought I told you that only YOU can prevent wildfires, asshole! Didn’t you hear me? DIDN’T YOU HEAR ME?!!!!” It gets kind of weird after that… yucky blood splatters…bone crunching noises…ear-splitting screams as Smokey says something like: “Now stand still while I eat your spleen…” Dang…bears…commie, Chinese-inspired, hungry, pissed-off, ninja bears. “Surely, you can’t be serious,” you say? Well, I am serious…and don’t call me “Shirley.” Harrumph…
* Not actually seen with own eyes.
** Not necessarily factually correct.
Harrumph File #027 08.02.2010_What the hell happened to all the hobos in the world?
The true face of American freedom! |
So, what the hell happened to all the hobos in the world? Now, I’m not talking about the homeless, bums, street people and gypsies. You see, you have to differentiate between the various downtrodden peoples in order to understand them. The homeless are usually families down on their luck. They’re the reason we have shelters. To give these people a helping hand until they can get on their feet. Bums, well they’re those guys with signs that say “will work for food,” & then, when you offer them a day job, come up with a dozen reasons why you should just give them money and move along. Most of ‘em should just carry signs that say, “Help me buy my next bottle of Mad Dog 20/20.” Maybe then I’d feel better about throwing them a quarter…not! Street people are those guys that either paint themselves blue or silver & stand on the corner acting like robots or open up their guitar case and play endless tunes from the ‘70’s, hoping people drop their spare change in exchange for them shutting up. And gypsies? Well they’re just…gypsies. I think we all know about them. Usually they’re in peasant dress, an earring or two and most of the time have a goat traveling with them. Just lock your doors & you’ll be ok. Hobos, though, are a different breed. These are the guys riding the rails in boxcars, wearing second hand suits with innumerable rips & tears in them, passing out folksy knowledge and singing tunes like “Jimmy crack corn” & such. They are the true spirit of America. Freedom, independence, self-reliance. Now, before you start laughing out there, think about this a minute. You might think that you’re so much better off driving your BMW convertible to your high-paying job downtown & living it up in your 7 bedroom home, watching that 95 inch LCD TV while sipping “Grey Goose” out of a hand-made, silver-etched, crystal glass. But where would you be if, next quarter, that “Too big to fail” company you work for fails? Um-hmm, No BMW, no TV & it’s a bottle of “Mad Dog” for your next birthday…if you’re lucky. How about that hobo out there? He’s happy with an expired can of beans and an old stogie he found in the men’s room at the local gas station. Ahhh…freedom. So this brings us to my initial question. What happened to all the hobos out there? Why is it that you never see “Boxcar Willie” riding the freight trains anymore? I’ve seen plenty of freight trains in my time…not a single hobo sighting. Now, I know that back in the thirties the railroads made a real effort to discourage hoboism. Check out the 1973 classic “Emperor of the North,” starring Lee Marvin as the grizzled hobo “A-No.-1,” who dares to ride the “Number 19,” whose cruel conductor, “Shack” (played by the ever-versatile Ernest Borgnine [never saw the always jovial Commander McHale twist his face into a portrait of evil on PT-73 like he does on the “19” though!]) takes pleasure in “disposing” of freeloading hobos with chains, axes & wrenches…but always with a smile (or is that a grimace?) Anyway, I don’t think that railroads can get away with that kind of stuff nowadays…not with all the rules about civil-rights violations & such. So what happened to those freedom-loving souls then? Well, think about it…who hates freedom out there? No, not George W. Bush…Jeeze will you get over that already? That crummy Alex Trebek? No, he actually loves freedom…the freedom to laugh in your face and make a sarcastic remark about “how much money you actually owe to the show instead of winning it! Hahaha.” Smarmy, crummy Alex Trebek. AARRRGGG!!!! So who’s left? Yep, it’s those evil Chinese. I’m convinced that it’s got to be an evil Chinese plot to stamp out the very foundations of freedom by eliminating every single hobo out there on the rails. They won’t go after the homeless, bums, street people & gypsies because, as I said earlier, they are different than hobos. The Chinese WANT you to see bums. They WANT you to feel bad about the plight of the homeless. They WANT you to pitch quarters in the guitar cases and the empty corn cans of the robot-people. Every quarter you pitch is one more thought in your head that capitalism doesn’t work, that it leaves people behind & that evil Chinese-inspired communism is the only way to go. We must fight this evil plan! We must defeat it before they finally find that last ’Bo, hiding underneath the flatcar stacked with “XINHUA” shipping containers! We must stop the hundreds of Chinese “Shacks” out there, sneaking around wielding wrenches or crowbars, before they strike into the very heart of freedom! “But how,” you say? How can we stop them? What can you do to thwart the evil Chinese before the last fortune cookie is cracked and our fate sealed forever? Take a vacation. Yes, take a vacation. But, leave your car at home. Don’t bother to book a hotel or a flight to your destination. Time to hit the rails, folks. I for one am heading down to the local Salvation Army store for my supplies: A good, second hand coat. A pair of worn-out, wool slacks. Maybe an old fedora they’ve had sitting on the shelf since 1957. Tie up my belongings in a hanky hanging from a stick. Ahhh…freedom. It’s us or them people…stand together…stand tall against the evils of Chinese communism and sing with me! “Old stogies I have found…short, but not too big around…I'm a man of means by no means…King of the road… King of the road… King of the road…” [Fade to black] Harrumph…
Harrumph File #026 07.26.2010_ It’s high time we did something about cantaloupes
How can something so delicious be so wrong? |
*Subject not actually researched.
Harrumph File #025 07.19.2010_ I can’t even pronounce Myanmar, why should I care about it?
Myanmar or Vietnam? From 40,00 feet, who cares! |
* “Fix their wagon” is supersecret military code for, well, fixing their wagon…you know, *wink* *wink* blowing stuff up & punching Generals in the face.
Harrumph File #024 07.12.2010_What’s the deal with ducks?
Harrumph File #023 07.05.2010_ I want to punch a baby gorilla in the face
Boxing champion or punching bag? I can take this guy! |
Harrumph File #022 06.28.2010_ Any way you cut it, monkeys are just plain evil
A planet where apes evolved from men? |
Harrumph File #021 06.21.2010_ Why we need to invade Mars now
Better start running, they're on their way... |
Harrumph File #020 06.14.2010_ Damn, I Really Hate Smarmy, Know-Nothing Busy-Bodies
The king of smarminess, Alex Trebek. And, he's a dang Canadian! |
Harrumph File #019 06.07.2010_WTF, Canada again?
"Know your land, know your prey." |
Harrumph File #018 05.31.2010_Memorial Day, 2010
Chief Finn. |
John William Finn was born on July 23, 1909 in Los Angeles, California. He was the son of a plumber. Not much is publicly known about his early life, it was probably like most of his contemporaries. He worked odd jobs as a teenager and then dropped out of school and joined the Navy to see the world. It was a sleepy Sunday morning, 15 years later, in December, 1941 that would change his life, and the lives of millions, forever. By this time John was a Chief Aviation Ordnanceman stationed at Naval Air Station Kaneohe Bay. A leader of men, an example setter. As he woke he heard the sound of aircraft and then machinegun fire so he quickly dressed and drove to the station. When Chief Finn arrived at the aircraft hangers he immediately went into action. He didn’t wait for orders, he didn’t sit by and observe, he acted. The citation for his Medal of Honor says it best: He “promptly secured and manned a 50-caliber machine gun mounted on an instruction stand in a completely exposed section of the parking ramp, which was under heavy enemy machine-gun strafing fire. Although painfully wounded many times, he continued to man this gun and to return the enemy's fire vigorously and with telling effect throughout the enemy strafing and bombing attacks and with complete disregard for his own personal safety. It was only by specific orders that he was persuaded to leave his post to seek medical attention. Following first-aid treatment, although obviously suffering much pain and moving with great difficulty, he returned to the squadron area and actively supervised the rearming of returning planes. His extraordinary heroism and conduct in this action were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.” Chief Finn recovered from his wounds, was promoted Lieutenant in 1944 and served until 1956. He was 100 when he died Thursday, May 27th, 2010, perhaps a date not as well known as the “date which will live in infamy,” but one just as important. He was the last surviving member of the 15 men awarded the Medal of Honor for their actions during the attack on Pearl Harbor. Some were killed that Sunday morning, some died later during the war, some lived on. Where do we find such men? They are here, just as they have been throughout the history of our great Republic. “Our flag’s unfurled to every breeze, from dawn to setting sun.” And, they will continue to unfurl our flag for we find such men and women in every generation. When the call is issued they will come. Duty, Honor, Country. Rest easy, John William Finn, thanks to you and many others like you the Republic is safe.
Harrumph File #017 05.24.2010_Where the heck did all these witches come from?
Some workplace witches are easy to spot. |
Harrumph File #016 05.17.2010_I’ve got just one word for you…clowns.
And so there I am…it’s 3 in the morning…thunder & lightning outside…I’ve woken up in a cold sweat…yes, I’ve had “that” dream again…clowns were after me. I’m sure everyone has experienced this particular sense of horror. The bloated, red nose. Horrid, disorienting, multi-colored uniforms of death. Gigantic feet ready to stomp you into dust. The disgusting, vile bad breath that is the hallmark of the evil clown getting closer and closer…Sound familiar? I’m sure it does. Clowns have haunted our existence for thousands of years. Parents have put their children through the horror of clown exposure for countless generations. Remember when you were 5 years old and your mom & dad said they were taking you to the circus? “We’ll see elephants and tightrope walkers, monkeys and lion-tamers!” Not one word about those wretched creatures that show up in a wildly painted ’62 Volkswagen beetle…you think, “hmmm, this could be interesting.” Then, 20 of these “things” pile out and begin to…there’s only one word for it…“assault” the first few rows of spectators. Kids screaming and clawing their way behind parents. Moms consoling their children as if they’ve just been attacked by wild dogs. Fathers telling their sons to “man up, it’s only a clown.” It’s only a clown…well, that’s the rub, huh? In fact, that’s the disconnect here. That’s what I don’t get about clowns. All parents were children once. Children that were, at some point, afraid of clowns. And yet, every year, these same parents who were/are afraid of clowns have them invade birthday parties or expose their children to them at circuses. There’s only one explanation for this. Clowns are evil. Clowns must use some kind of ancient evil Chinese-inspired oobie-doobie magic or witchcraft to mask their wickedness from adult minds. If you doubt this just look at this list of former clowns: Maximilien Robespierre, who led the French reign of terror and it’s infatuation with the guillotine, started out as a court jester. Josef Stalin, murderer of millions, first job was as a clown in the Moscow circus. After Hitler failed as a painter what do you think he did with all that leftover paint? Well, you know the Germans don’t like to waste anything…yep, clowned at children’s parties for a year before terrorizing the rest of the world. Jack the ripper & the Zodiac killer? Both probably clowns at one point in their lives.* And check this out. Take the name “Hitler” and the word “clown.” Notice anything familiar? Sure enough, if you re-arrange the letters and spell it backwards…maybe add or take away some letters…they’re the same. Proof positive clowns are evil. Oh, and who did the brave & noble Adam West fight on TV week after week as “Batman?” Nah, forget about that weird non-Canadian flightless bird guy and psycho catwoman (meow!…And just what is a “riddler” anyway?…freak.) Yes, it was the “Joker” that ran the show…that pulled the strings of the rest of those so-called “super-villains.” Without him all you’ve got are a bunch of also-rans. In fact, I’m convinced it was his roll as the “Joker” in the movies that killed Heath Ledger in 2008. There’s not much that can stand up to clown magic. As usual, I’ve got a plan for an appropriate response. As we begin to withdraw troops from the combat areas in Afghanistan and Iraq we can re-deploy them to the real front. Right here, in the homeland, we face the ultimate threat of clown invasion. Yes, it will take deploying our most elite and toughest warriors. An around-the-clock campaign of “shock & awe” to defeat these soulless creatures. We must be prepared. We must be strong. We must be willing, for this will be the decisive battle against a relentless, hardened enemy. An enemy that hates us and our way of life. But, we have the resources. We have the weapons. We have the soldiers to finish the job. Oh yeah, you won’t think it’s very funny when the 82nd airborne drops in your lap one day, huh, Mr. Clown? And you mimes over there in Paris? Yeah, just sit there on the street, trapped in your imaginary box. We’ve got some silent death heading your way too. Harrumph…
* The aforementioned list may not be factually correct.
* The aforementioned list may not be factually correct.
Harrumph File #015 05.10.2010_Egad! It’s Sunday!!!
So, I’m sitting here on Sunday…Mother’s Day…just enjoying some quiet time with my favorite person…the mother of my kids…the one and only Mrs. Harrumph…when all of a sudden it struck me. It struck me like I was shot…like I was shot with a diamond…a diamond bullet right through my forehead. I hadn’t written the Harrumph file for this week! *Sigh* I hadn’t even thought about it! Usually, by Friday I’ve mulled over that week’s topic and already had it about 75% organized in my mind. By Sunday afternoon I’ve written the next-to-final copy (I always go over it one last time right before it’s posted Monday morning) and am able to enjoy blowing away my friends on Battlefield 2 with a clear conscience. Wha??? Perhaps no BF2 today??? Unheard of!! Well, here I was, two days behind and sitting at zero. I mean, really, why do I put myself through this week after week? I don’t have the time to mow the lawn much less devote hours each week blathering away for the entertainment of cyber people who don’t even bother to leave comments on the discussion boards. Maybe I have finally hit that point that bloggers worldwide dread? The point of no return when you run out of ideas to share? No, I’ve still got plenty to say on a variety of subjects from naked hand puppets to Gamma rays to…yes, the ever-present Canadians and evil Red Chinese lurking in the closet. So what’s really in it for me? It’s not like I’m getting paid huge sums of money…come to think of it I’m not getting paid any sums of money to write it. I write the Harrumph File simply to give those of you out there that feel you have no voice a sense that you are not alone. You’re not the only person to look at something and say “WTF?” You are surrounded by fellow silent Harrumphians wherever you go. I know it and now you know it because I have verified it for you. I will accept the criticism from non-Harrumphians (who don’t really know the truth, anyway) that’s meant for you. I will be your lightning rod so that you may feel safe in your thoughts. When “they” come for me I will not rat you out. So yes, this is my gift to you, the reader. Those of you who have enjoyed your weekend going to movies or hiking the great outdoors. You have the luxury of time…something I have given to you so that you don’t have to spend your life thinking about the latest Red Chinese mind control plot to use that smarmy Alex Trebek and subliminal messages on “Jeopardy” to brainwash you into subordinating yourself to the vast robot conspiracy while singing “Surfin’ Bird” in French and looking for non-existent penguins while wearing a sock monkey costume in Canada…I will stand guard over this grand republic of ours just as the great Adam West did in the 60’s (albeit without a cool batman costume like he had) so that you may twitter away without a care. I will watch for the telltale signs of enemy bombers coming over the North Pole so that you may enjoy a ball game. Feel free to take in a movie or Broadway show for I will alert you like the air-raid sirens of old times. I will let you know when to “duck & cover” as dependably as “Bert” the turtle first did in the 50’s. I will be your civil defense so that you may continue to enjoy life. Sing songs of happiness. Picnic at the neighborhood park with no fear for I will direct you to the nearest public shelter, if needed. Travel, fly airplanes, take trips to distant lands for The Harrumph Files are on guard!!! PLEASE STAND BY…THIS IS NO DRILL…Harrumph…
Harrumph File #014 05.03.2010_The bird IS the word
Pasteur, Einstein, Hawking, Edison, Tesla…great scientists, all. Great discoverers of the inner workings of the fabric of the universe. Dreamers…thinkers…“do”ers. Yes, you may all learn from them, respect them, even emulate them…but can you think like them? Do you have the innate ability to “crack” the cosmic code, revealing the epiphany inside, just waiting to be discovered by the most curious of our species? Sadly, no. Most of you are content to continue your daily toil, waiting…nay, praying for 5 o’clock to roll around so that you can put the cover on your computer, jump into your leased Lexus and meet your fellow cubiclites down at Chotchkie’s, or Flinger’s and complain about the latest Lumberghism. What ever happened to the dreamers? What ever happened to capturing the infinite? Well, those men that I mentioned earlier understood it and I understand it too. Now, I’m not talking about mundane things like my discovery on how to make lightsabers work...that theory is actually very simple when you look at it (just have to make sure those evil red Chinese generals don’t perfect it first.) In fact I’m sure that, once revealed, what I’m about to tell you will far surpass anything that Pasteur & company ever came up with. I mean, check out Einstein: there’s a speed limit to how fast things can move in the universe…the speed of light. Yeah, right. If that were true then explain Star Trek, brainiac. Oh, and how about Hawking? Being a genius hasn’t helped Mr. Smarty get out of that chair of his…(*muffled voice from off-page*…Wha? What was that? *muffled voice again*…Lou Gehrig's disease? You mean he…that it’s not…crippled, you say? Huh…I never made the connection.) Well, um, that’s embarrassing. Anyway, if we can just move along…what I’ve discovered is more important than everything those guys came up with put together. It came to me while listening to a song a little while ago. Actually, I didn’t even make the initial discovery. We have a group of four musicians from Minnesota to thank for the ultimate discovery of the universe…the answer to everything that we have overlooked even though they presented it to us back in 1964. Yes, the “Trashmen” were right…the bird IS the word. There’s no doubt about it, everybody’s heard about it…The bird, bird, bird…the bird is the word. It’s the answer to everything & anything. You too will realize this if you just give your weary mind a rest. Let’s say you’re out to lunch with your fellow cubiclites at Flingers: “Hey, what’re you gonna order for lunch?” Answer: “A-well-a bird, bird, bird, the bird is the word.” Oh yeah, everybody knows that the bird is the word! Your boss, Lumbergh, tells you that he wants you to come in on Saturday to finish up those T.P.S. reports? Answer: “Papa-ooma-mow-mow, papa-ooma-mow-mow.” No, don’t think that Lumbergh will be seeing me on Saturday! That smarmy Alex Trebek reads some Jeopardy answer you don’t have a clue about? Answer (phrased in the form of a question, of course): “Don't you know about the bird? Well, everybody knows that the bird is the word!” Game over, Alex. So there it is. Now you have been empowered. What you do with this new found authority over the time-space continuum is up to you. If you were involved in an evil Red Chinese plot to overthrow the world I might be nervous, but I’m sure that you will use it only for the betterment of mankind…and to blast any aliens that might try to invade. However, I do not recommend listening to “Surfin’ Bird” more that 25 or 30 times in a row… Harrumph…Papa-ooma-mow-mow, papa-ooma-mow-mow, Papa-ooma-mow-mow, papa-ooma-mow-mow [repeat to fade]
Harrumph File #013 04.26.2010_Once again, I must say it…Canada sucks!
Oh....Canada... |
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