Musings from the, perhaps slightly touched, mind of the leading social commentator of our time.

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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Poll #22 by the HARRUMPH Entertainment Division

     HARRUMPH has sent one of our newsroom interns to France, where, on the Champs-Elysees he is interviewing a mime on this week’s poll.
     “Hello everyone.  We’re here on the Champs-Elysees interviewing a mime on this week’s subject of ‘The best way to get rid of mimes.’  We’re not sure what his name is… since he will not say a word to us.  But, let me describe him to you and maybe this will help with the interview.  He is wearing a black and white striped shirt, black pants and beret, and has white make-up covering his face with black highlights around his mouth and exaggerated black eyebrows which give him a definite ‘Brook Shields’ look.  And now, on with the first question.”
     “Mr. mime, how long have you been a mime?  He is looking around, left and right.  Now, he is looking at me.  Now he is looking away again… now back at me.  Now he is pointing at me and miming his hand as if it’s speaking and now pointing at him.  He is now holding his hand to his ear and shaking his head, as if to tell me he didn’t hear my question.  Now he is doing an exaggerated walk two steps to his right.  He is opening an imaginary door.  Now he is stepping through the imaginary door.  Now closing the imaginary door and turning around to face me again.  Now he is walking toward me in his exaggerated walk… and now tripping over an imaginary curb, onto the ground.  He is now holding his foot in his hands and crying an imaginary river.  *Sigh*  I’ll be right back folks.  I’m going to get the imaginary baseball bat out of the trunk of my car and beat this mime’s imaginary brains out.”

1 comment:

  1. I struggled greatly with this poll. My first thought was of course the Pelosi protocol, after all, who would ever want to sound like Pelose. However, then I came across the silenced glock option. Well of course any method if silently removing a mime is of course heaven on a bun.
