Musings from the, perhaps slightly touched, mind of the leading social commentator of our time.

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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

5 Jan: Statistics & Logistics Division Poll #19 Technology alert results.

     Stan here again folks, from the second level of the HARRUMPH bunker site, well-equipped with end-of-the-world supplies, including the world-famous "great wall of ammunition," miniature grenade range, and ping-pong table.  I’ve got the poll results on the most dangerous piece of technology out there.  Most of the security guys here at the bunker thought you would all vote for robots because they constantly run “Terminator” DVD’s in their break room, but it only got one vote.  Julie & her crew over in the entertainment division were all hoping for movie CGI, but once again, only one vote.  Jeeze, what’re they, all high on cocaine?  I personally figured you would recognize the danger and vote for the Apple Corporation, which is secretly run by my brother, Satan.  But no, only one vote.  So you all think that turkey fryers, with two votes, is the most dangerous piece of technology out there?  C’mon, I’ll grant you that that might be true in some secluded parts of Georgia and Tennessee… maybe West Virginia, but for the most part the resultant delicious turkeys have outweighed the property damage caused by operator error.
     But really, turkey fryers more dangerous than a corporation run by Satan?  The father of lies?  The great deceiver?  Ummm… do you think there might be a reason that the company’s symbol is an… apple… with a single bite taken out of it?  Hmmm… some food for thought, eh?  Maybe there’s a reason that all their products begin with “I-?”  That their products are favored by the smarmy ‘60s liberals that live amongst us, the original “me” generation?  That a new I-phone comes out every 3 weeks just to keep the flow of cash from your pocket straight into Satan’s bank account?  Wise up people, before you wake up with a “666” tattooed on your head.

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