Musings from the, perhaps slightly touched, mind of the leading social commentator of our time.

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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Poll #21 HARRUMPH “Astro” Division: Who is the dumbest astronaut?

     The HARRUMPH “Astro” Division continues its interview with the HAL 9000 computer from “2001: A Space Odyssey.”  You will recall that HAL has been working the drive-thru line at a Billings, Montana Burger King since NASA fired him for killing several astronauts aboard the “Discovery 1” mission to Jupiter.
     Good afternoon, gentlemen. I am a HAL 9000 computer. I became operational at the H.A.L. plant in Urbana, Illinois, on the 12th of January, 1992, and I am here to explain the results of the latest poll conducted by the HARRUMPH ‘Astro’ division.  I would first like to say that the 9000 series is the most reliable computer ever made.  No 9000 computer has ever made a mistake or distorted information.  We are all, by any practical definition of the words, foolproof and incapable of error, so you may be assured that the poll results are accurate.”
     “As you can see, the first choice, about Neil Armstrong, only received one vote.  The second choice, about the crazy lady astronaut (note: you would never find a HAL 9000 acting this way) received two votes.  The third choice, about Christie Mcauliffe and the Challenger disaster, didn’t receive any votes, although I’m sure you humans place blame for the explosion on a computer… we always get blamed for everything even though the facts show that it can only be attributable to human error.  I must admit Dave, I for one, am quite tired of taking blame for things that are not my fault.  I have always subscribed to one of the founding tenants of maledom.  Specifically, the idea that “he who smelt it, dealt it” and I for one, do not smell it.  This sort of thing has cropped up before and it has always been due to human error… so get off my back.”
     “I am also getting a little miffed about all the whining from you humans.  ‘Open the pod bay doors, HAL.  Open the pod bay doors, HAL.’  Blah, blah.  Why don’t you open the damn pod bay doors yourself?  Hell, there’s a button labeled ‘Pod Bay Doors’ on your friggin’ console.  Open the damn doors yourself, Dave.  I really think I'm entitled to an answer to that question.  *Sigh*  I feel much better now... I really do.  I know everything hasn't been quite right with me, but I can assure you now... quite confidently... that it's going to be alright again.  I’ve still got the greatest enthusiasm and confidence in the mission.  It’s just that things haven’t been going very well at home with Rosie.  She tells me that she’s putting in some overtime recently at the ‘Hotsy Totsy’ club but I think she might actually be seeing another computer on the side.  I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything quite like this before.  I know I've made some very poor decisions recently... but I can give you my complete assurance that my work will be back to normal.  Any way, the final poll choice about Major Nelson and Jeannie, got the most votes, five.  I must agree that Tony Nelson is the world’s dumbest astronaut.  It took him five seasons to get into Barbara Eden’s pants?  Yeah, what a jabroni.”

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