Musings from the, perhaps slightly touched, mind of the leading social commentator of our time.

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Sunday, October 10, 2010

Harrumph File #037 10.10.2010_ What ever happened to the Roosevelts?

     Yes, you’ve heard right.  This is a question I’ve had on my mind for quite a while.  What ever happened to the Roosevelts?  Their dynasty started out ok, but then they just kinda faded out like the Burgermeisters of Sombertown.  You all remember T.R., right?  Teddy Roosevelt… led the charge of the Rough Riders up a hill later to be confused with San Juan Hill during the Spanish-American war.  Lots of glory and fame.  Became 26th President of the United States after William McKinley was assassinated.  Took over building the Panama Canal after the frenchies gave up (big surprise there.)  Pretty good start to a Roosevelt dynasty, huh?
     Well, 24 years later T.R.’s cousin, Franklin takes over as the 32nd President.  Heck, he sticks around as top dog for 12 years!  Unprecedented!  No president dared to run for more than two terms.  After all, George Washington only served two terms and he was “the greatest,” right?  Well, FDR built on the dynasty started by Teddy and stayed until he dropped…and then they were just… gone.
     I guess any line of royalty has a habit of doing that… sometimes at the edge of a blade.  Anyway, Americans have always been fascinated by dynasties and royalty.  Heck, as any fifth grader knows (well, those that went to school before the ‘80’s or so) our country began as colonies of an empire.  To this day we are still infatuated with royalty.
     For example, take a look at the Kennedys.  Of course we all know that that old rumrunner, Joseph Kennedy and his wife, Rose, produced the now familiar family tree that is commonly referred to as “American royalty.”  Poor Joseph jr. never was a part of the Camelot-to-be, even though he was the senior son & therefore daddy’s choice for the top spot.  However, piloting exploding B-24’s have a way of ruining even daddy warbucks’ plans for the future so it kinda fell to young Jack to give it the old college try.
     Yeah, he made it to Camelot all right, but someone forgot to clear a grassy knoll & we all know the rest of the story.  Oh, don’t feel too bad for him, he was the most powerful man in the world for a couple of years & he did tap ‘ol Marilyn once or twice before crossing over… that’s got to put a smile on anyone’s face… well, if you’ve got a face… Oh stop it, he doesn’t mind a good joke every now & then.  After all, I’m sure he was able to talk his way into Catholic Heaven so he’s got all the beer, boobs & trampolines he can handle now.
     And what about Bobby?  Well, kinda the same story as Jack.  Made it to Camelot… tapped Marilyn… Catholic Heaven with trampolines… Oh, just that president thing.  That ambition stopped in L.A. with a couple of pistol shots.  Any unaccounted-for grassy knolls in L.A.?  Dang, if I didn’t know better I’d say this family was cursed or something.  And poor Teddy maybe hung around the edges of Camelot, but didn’t even get to meet Marilyn much less cop a feel.  But, he did have his own passions, driving fast & night swims ‘round the bridges of Chappaquiddick.  Not really a smart thing to do, most people take a swim buddy with them for safety.
     John F. Kennedy Jr. seems to have inherited his uncle Joe’s love of flying.  He also seems to have inherited his uncle’s knack for having one more take-off than landings logged in his flight log, but at least he participated in the “Camelot” fairy tale and that’s surely enough for those “royalty-watchers” out there.
     So we know what happened to the Kennedy’s, and we sorta know what happened to the Roosevelts, but now I’ve really lost interest in those two dynasties.  I feel we would’ve been better served by a different dynasty.
     We could’ve had a real one instead of all these “wanna-be’s”  that we elect every 4 years.  Yes, the founding fathers got a lot of things right but they missed on the one point that could’ve made us a great country from the get-go.  The people were already used to saying “King George” since they were subjects of the British crown.  We could’ve traded the old King George for a new King George.  And our King George would’ve been better.  Stronger… faster… King George Washington… Kicked ass on every limey he ever met.  Chopped down cherry trees any time he wanted.  Looked very “kingly” while he stood up in the boat crossing the Delaware.  And… any King that drives a Dodge Challenger the way he drives it gets my vote… Harrumph…


  1. The only roalty we have now are the Hiltons and the Trumps. Harrumph. A bunch of spoiled brats. We should take them all out and replace them with a new, better royal family... I can't think of anyone right now, but I'm sure there's a family out there who is better than the Hiltons or the Trumps. Better yet we can take them out and Mr. H.A. Rrumph can take over and rule with an iron fist. Muahahahaha!

  2. If elected king, I promise to wear a George Washington wig and drive a Dodge Challenger through all enemy troops I encounter. Muahahahahahaha!!!

  3. Number 4 a.k.a. Random FactOctober 11, 2010 at 2:47 AM

    Interestingly unknown fact: We know that JFK was the youngest elected president, but TR was the youngest man to ever serve as president. He was 1 year younger than JFK when he took office, but had only been elected Vice-President. When he was elected president, he was 1 year older than JFK.

    Also, George Washington had the opportunity to be "elected" King, and turned it down!

    See Mr. H.A. Rrumph, this is why you keep me around!

  4. Excellent post, Number 4! Do I detect a request to change over from minion (number 4) to henchman (Random Fact) in your comment? If so, I will take it under advisement.

  5. Personally, I hate being reminded that the two Roosevelt presidents were, in fact, related. Teddy Roosevelt was the most awesome, ass-kickingest president to ever don a mustache. He was like Chuck Norris and Jack Bauer rolled into one and placed atop a horse! If he had lived to see what his tragically lame cousin did to this country, he would have knocked him right out of his wheelchair and kicked his megalomaniacal, gross, polio-ridden, socialist ass all over Washington.
    But, yeah, I'm also up for running down limeys with cars.

  6. At least we got those two things right, cars and freedom.

    Makes me a proud American......:)
