Musings from the, perhaps slightly touched, mind of the leading social commentator of our time.

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Thursday, September 2, 2010

The People Have Spoken!

Well, the first poll in Harrumph File history is, well, history. The poll proves that Michele Obama is even eviler than Adolf Hitler or Josef Stalin, even combined. Wow! Who, other than I, could have predicted that? I mean, Hitler was pretty evil, and he didn't receive any votes at all! And, the poll shows that the American people feel that Michele Obama is 5 times as evil as Stalin! That's pretty evil! From this data I have surmised that Michele Obama could actually be "The" Devil! But, in another sense, you libs can put your own spin on this poll, saying that she is actually a "winner!" Well, Huzzah to you!

Poll accuracy +/- 50%


  1. I like how you're lampooning the typical Fox News poll.

  2. Yeah, right. In order to soothe your obviously "progressive" soul here's a typical poll from MSNBC (although you may not recognize it, since nobody watches MSNBC.)

    How would you best describe Barak Obama's first two years as President?:
    1. The bestest President ever, ever, ever!!!
    2. Heeeeee's Grrrrrreat!!!
    3. One heckuva community organizer!!!!
    4. The second coming (if we actually believed in God.)
