Musings from the, perhaps slightly touched, mind of the leading social commentator of our time.

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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Statistics & Logistics division poll on Larry King is over.

     Well, you, the reader, have voiced your opinion on our Larry King poll.  We must admit that you have shown yourselves to be a very clever group.
     As you all probably know, Larry King couldn’t have served as President Lincoln’s press secretary.  During the Civil War he was busy setting up his studio in Florida at the time, and Lincoln made it a policy not to hire confederates, thus, zero votes.
     As far as him being Rachel Maddow’s “boy toy,” unless he’s living in her nightstand drawer with an extra set of batteries, we can eliminate that answer…zero votes.  And, his last birthday cake actually used no candles at all!  The local fire department wouldn’t issue the permits required due to the danger of a firestorm.  It only got two votes.
     With eight votes, it turns out that Larry King is, in fact, “case zero” of the zombie apocalypse.   We’re pretty sure that CNN has kept him “alive” for at least a decade because his show is their best ratings draw (not really surprising since the rest of their on-air crew consists totally of life sized cardboard cut-outs.)
     If you listen closely you’ll here that his current television interviews sound a lot like they’re being conducted by Max Headro-ro-room, a popular digital personality from the 80’s, because they’re now being pasted together from old interview tapes they have in the basement.  Anyway, since we’re sure he actually passed away at least 10 years ago we can conclude that he must be “case zero.”  He certainly pre-dates the “experiments” going on in the lower levels of the HARRUMPH bunker, down in “G” Section…

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