Musings from the, perhaps slightly touched, mind of the leading social commentator of our time.

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Saturday, September 4, 2010

New Harrumph Files Poll!!!!

In order to increase the efficiency of our security forces here in the undisclosed H.A.R.R.U.M.P.H. bunker site, well-equipped with end-of-the-world supplies, including the world-famous "great wall of ammunition," miniature grenade range, and ping-pong table, we have posted a new poll for you to participate in.  Your opinion counts here at H.A.R.R.U.M.P.H.!  Thank you for your participation.


  1. You know, this is really a difficult question. MSNBC is truly brutal, but I think that an Evil Super-Genius' torture device should violate the Bill of Rights. While MSNBC comes close, I don't know if it crosses the line!

  2. I dunno...have you ever seen that slobbering moron Olbermann or that other hate-spewing idiot Ed Schultz? That's two hours of non-stop vomiting right there. Gotta be something unconstitutional about that. Well, maybe that just violates the "fairness doctrine", I guess it couldn't even do that since no one actually watches MSNBC except the other shows' hosts! Hahaha, a whole channel made up of losers and leg-tingling clowns that do nothing but constantly say "and then Fox News said this...and then they said this...and this..." If it wasn't for Fox, they'd have no content at all.
