Musings from the, perhaps slightly touched, mind of the leading social commentator of our time.

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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Entertainment division poll # 16 ends.

     The Entertainment division would like to, once again, introduce Mortimer Mouse to cover the poll results.
     “First of all, let me tells you this:  I don’t work for no ‘Entertainment division.’  I told youse last time that I done gave that line ‘o work up years ago.  I work down on the loadin’ docks here at the bunker.  I don’t mind totin’ boxes ‘o ammo or rollin’ barrels of 'who knows what' into the storage rooms.  It ain’t exactly the freelance lifestyle I’m used to, and I ain’t found a single drunk to roll, but youse know, it’s a steady paycheck.
     So anyways, here’s them results on the goofiest cartoon out there.  Looks like Donald Duck and Goofy each got two votes.  Pretty respectable for a couple ‘o guys from the neighborhood.  They done good for themselves workin’ for Disney.  Youse know, I think Donny could do even better if he just knocks off the bottle.  Boy, that duck can put a few down.  Trouble is, he’s a mean drunk.  I remember, back in the day, when he used to run with Mick & me.  Well, you knows, we’d roll a few drunks or bust a pinball machine down at Clancy’s for beer money.  Man, after a few that duck would start getting’ in people’s faces… tellin’ ‘em he was the king of Pasadena & stuff.  Didn’t matter who either.  Ladies with babies, old men, kids… Boy, what a maroon.  ‘Course, that was the only time youse could understand him too…
     Then there was ‘ol Goof.  Nicest guy youse ever met.  He’d give ya the hat offa his head if youse wanted.  He never was the same after that dose of radiation he caught watchin’ them atom bomb tests outside of Vegas.  I kept tellin’ him to stay away from there but he just kept goin’ back… like a moth to the flame.  It was almost like a disease, he just loved watchin’ them mushroom clouds.  He’d come back from a weekend at Vegas just a little bit more off each time, if youse know what I means.
     Chip & Dale got no votes at all.  Not surprising, really.  When youse consider just who them chipmunks are.  Oh, youse never heard that story?  Ya, well not many have, since it was quashed after the war.  So, right after Pearl Harbor, Mick got a lot of his friends to do propaganda films for the War Department.  Donny & Goof were there with him, leadin’ the way to victory!  I remember, ‘cause I was workin’ as a gaffer, on set.  Well, one day Mick & I goes over to asks them chipmunks to appear in a couple of films & they start sayin’ how Hitler don’t seem like such a bad guy & maybe we outta stay out of Europe & let England fight there own war, yada, yada.  I couldn’t believe it.  Here was a couple ‘o Nazi chipmunks staring me right in the face!  Well, I did the only thing a red-blooded American mouse could do… I popped one of ‘em right in his Nazi nose!  Well, they took off after that… lived in Argentina for, like 12 years, before they got a presidential pardon from Ike.  Turned out their uncle saved Ike’s life in North Africa & that was his payback.  Yeah?  Well, one of ‘em’s still got that red nose I gave him!
     So the winner is Hillary Clinton with five votes.  Now, I ain’t sayin’ the fix is in, ‘cause I know she’s as goofy as they come, but youse know she ain’t no cartoon at all!  I know she looks like a ‘toon, and she sure acts like a ‘toon, but what’s up with this?  Personally, I woulda voted for my pal Goofy.  Youse know, who’s the goofiest?  Ummm… Goofy.  Sometimes this job makes me so mad I just gotta pop someones in the kisser…  anyone know where that other chipmunk went?”

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