Musings from the, perhaps slightly touched, mind of the leading social commentator of our time.

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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Poll #31 ends. We have a “no-fly” zone over Libya. What, exactly, does that mean?

     Madam Geneva, our resident gypsy here at the Harrumph bunker, has once again been able to channel the ghost of General George S. Patton to help us understand the “Libyan problem.”  She again requests that everyone stand at attention while the General materializes in the smoke-filled room.
GENERAL PATTON:  “Be seated.  Now, you boys all know… that we’ve set up this “no-fly” zone as the opening in this great kinetic military action in Libya.  Not exactly my idea of winning a war, strike that, winning a kinetic military action, but the commander-in-chief has set the policy and, well, I’m just a simple old soldier who follows orders.”
     “Even as you sit here, prepared to enter battle against the Hun, strike that, against the forces of the evil, civilian-slaughtering Quaddafi… know that back home it’s safe for your loved ones to go about their daily lives.  It’s safe for our leaders to fill out their basketball brackets and organize a nice lobster state dinner for  people like Bashar al-Assad, Syria’s “reform” leader who is not, I repeat, is not, blowing away his dissidents like Kadaffi is.  And you are the ones who are making this possible.”
     “Now, don’t get me wrong.  As far as the Middle East is concerned, well, let’s just say that if it was up to me I’d start this kinetic military action with another “Torch” landing on the coast of Morocco and drive east to Iran before I stopped.  But, as I’ve said, it is not up to me… and we’ve only got 60 days, with maybe a 30-day extension, to wrap up this “action.”  Of course, if I was Gaddaffi, I guess I’d just lay low for 3 months, since U.S. policy is just to protect civilians, not regime change.  I wouldn’t fly any aircraft or conduct any offensive kinetic action, and just wait until July 1st and kill all the dissidents then.  Maybe enjoy a lobster dinner or two, if there's any left on the world market, in the mean time.”

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