Yaaaarrr… I see ye have taken yer vote on the scariest pirate
ever there was, and I be here again to tell the tale of the results. Once again, my name is of no consequence,
just another poor wretch, scratchin’ to find two coins to rub t’gether.
I see ye have only givin’ Blackbeard one vote, and right ye
would be, for he be no scarier than a kitten in a bag. And, Cap’n Jack Sparrow? Well, methinks the only vote he’s got was
probably the one he cast himself… a freak he be fer sure. Somali ‘skinnies” got them two votes and ay,
they be pretty scary… especially if yer foreign policy is run by a “community
organizer.” What do we do ‘bout ‘em?
Organize a protest? Finally, we comes
to the winner of this here poll. Barak
Hussein Obama, the greatest pirate of all time. Not only has he bankrupted yer empire, but he lives in yer
wallet, taxin’ every last gold piece ye might have.
And, lookin’ at his poll numbers ye may have finally realized
the truth of rule 11 of the pirate’s code as set forth: “That Crew that elects
for Captain a Community Organizer or a Socialist shall suffer the consequences
of their poor decision. And That which
elects one who be both shall suffer for double.” Yaaaarrr… it might be time for them which are smart rats to be
abandonin’ the ship ‘o state which be run by a Cap’n ready to be voted out by a
wiser crew. (*muffled voice from
off-page*… “Mr. Vice President, it’s time to leave…”) Yaaaarrr… pay no attention to the voice ye may hear… spirits they
be… (*muffled voice from off-page*… “Mr. Vice President, really, we must leave
now if we’re to make your next appointment…”)
Yaaaarrr… I be tellin’ the tale… *sound of teleprompter falling over and
breaking* (*muffled voice from
off-page*… “Mr. Vice President, are you ok?)
Yaaarrr… I be an unnamed wretch… do not listen to the voices, they be…
*sound of someone tripping, “Gerald Ford-style” and falling hard to the stage*
(*muffled voice from off-page*… “Control, this is team one… ‘Teddy Bear’ has
tripped and hit his head again… we’re on the move.”)
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