HARRUMPH scientists have been busy
searching for the discarded carcass of the most wanted man on Earth since it
was revealed that he was dumped off of the U.S.S. Carl Vinson’s deck last
Sunday. As part of that search we have
been pinging away with sonars in the wake of the great ship. Sadly, we have yet to locate his exact position. However, our “passive”
listening devices did record some unusual activity in the South Pacific and it
is now presented for your perusal.
*static* “HARRUMPH Intelligence division tape, South
Pacific: May 5th, 0430 hours, sector NCE.” *static*
“…yes, and so I was really surprised when
they came in… No, I had heard the helicopters only at the last minute and then
Boom! Bang! Pop! Abdul runs in and says
‘It’s the Americans!’ Another loud “bang!” and his head just kind of came
apart… I tell you, I was so scared that I made a poopie in my dishdasha. And that was one of my good ones too. You know, a nice white one I got for Ramadan
from “Dishdasha Wearhouse.”
“I don’t know. Then I started waddling down the hall, trying to get away and all
of a sudden this rough-looking man, all dressed in black, comes out of nowhere
and all I see is this gigantic muzzle of a rifle in my face! Well, Abdul’s AK was laying on the ground
and, you know, he sure didn’t need it any longer so I went for it and this guy
with the rifle says, in perfect halakese, “Bad move, buddy” and bam! All I see is a white flash and the bullet
hit my head so hard that it even knocked my raggedy hat off!”
“I think the worst part about it… even more
than the waiting… You know, I knew that
some day they would find me. Ten years…
those damn Americans never give up.
Anyway, the worst part about it is that they ransacked the compound
after they killed me! I mean, yeah take
the computers and files and stuff, but did they really have to rummage through
all my records? Do you know that they
broke a bunch of my Barry Manilow albums?
And you just can’t get vinyl anywhere nowadays too!”
“HARRUMPH Intelligence division tape, South Pacific: May 5th,
0437 hours, sector NCE.” *static*
has not confirmed just who it is that was recorded, or to whom he was talking
to but there are several more hours of recordings to catalog and as we go
through them we will bring them to you.
Hilarious!!!! Funniest thing I have read in a long time. And it sounds completely true.