Musings from the, perhaps slightly touched, mind of the leading social commentator of our time.

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Sunday, May 15, 2011

Harrumph File #068 05.15.2011_The Longest Line

     So, I’m sitting in the office of my allergy clinic waiting to get my monthly allergy shot.  I know that I’m, like, fifth on the list so I should be out of there & on with my life in just a couple of minutes.  One person gets called in and a minute later they’re done… great!  Another goes in and out.  Alright, I’ll be outta here even quicker than I thought!  Third person goes in & pops right back out!  Finally the fourth person gets called in.  A lady with two little kids.  The same lady that a couple of minutes earlier, I held the door open for (being the gentleman evil genius that I am) and stupidly let her sign in on the list before me.  She goes in with her two urchins… and proceeds to turn a one-minute (ok, maybe two minutes-one for each creature she’s dragged in) assembly line process into a half hour, full on doctor’s appointment!  “Well what about if little Hector has a reaction?”  “What exactly should I be looking for?”  “Can I bring Garbanzo in next Tuesday instead of Wednesday?”  And on & on & on.
     And it’s not just at the allergy clinic.  It happens everywhere!  Let's say you have to return that $8 shirt you bought at Walmart because it turns out that “XL” made in Sri Lanka wouldn’t fit a Ken doll in the U.S.  Of course, the guy in line in front of you not only doesn’t have his receipt for the Xbox he’s trying to return but it still has the “Target” price sticker on the box & he’s already arguing with the clerk about “the customer is always right” & he’s gonna stand there until the store manager (who just started his one-hour lunch at the local Flinger’s across town) makes this right, personally.  And the clerk can’t help you while they try to rustle up the assistant manager because the register is locked up since they already started the previous transaction.  AAARRRRRGGGG!!!!!
     Now, you’ve all been here before:  Which lane do you pick during your morning commute?  You know that you never pick the fast lane because everyone tries to get into the fast lane because, after all, it is the “fast lane.”  Never pick the slow lane because that’s where all the semi trucks are, and everyone knows that all those semi trucks are gonna be one long line of misery if you get into it.  So that leaves one of the two middle lanes.  Hmmm, can’t pick the one next to the fast lane because that’s where all the smarmy assclowns go who think they’ve outsmarted the fast lane and you’re not a smarmy assclown… ARE YOU?  Can’t pick the one next to the slow lane because that’s where grandma & grandpa dwell.  You know, the ones who habitually drive 10 miles per hour slower than the speed limit and were last coherent when FDR was president?  So what’s the answer?  Well the short answer is to just call in sick and go fishing but I know you’re not like that so the answer for you is that you’re screwed no matter which lane you choose.  Pick the fast lane and all those smarmy assclowns will be flying past you laughing at your incompetence.  Pick the smarmy lane and you’ll sit there at a full stop while grandpa drives by flipping you off.  Jump into grandpa’s lane and even those semis will be passing you by like Mario Andretti.  Finally, get in there with those truckers and that’ll be the day that the fast lane lives up to its name.  Oh, and you’ll get a nasty windshield crack from that Xingxou truck in front of you.  Worst of all, if you’re one of those drivers who keeps changing lanes, trying to find the fastest one, you’ll actually end up going backwards and find yourself at your point of origin (that means “where you started from” for everyone born after 1977 out there) before the morning’s over.
     It doesn’t matter.  It happens everywhere you go.  Supermarket, hardware store, emergency room, airport security, freeway, everywhere.  And you’re not alone.  Studies show that 98% of Americans pick the longest line 96% of the time.*  Americans appear to be cursed in this matter.  Even GPS’s can’t find the shortest lane.  “Move one lane to the right… recalculating… move another lane to the right… no move a lane to the left… no maybe stay in the lane you’re already in… recalculating… crap!”  With these statistics and by using geometric logic we can prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that Americans are just plain f*&ked when it comes to picking the shortest line… or are they?
     Yes, once again HARRUMPH has uncovered what’s behind this dreadful problem.  Statistically, you can’t have 98% of people in the longest line, that’s just plain crazy talk.  And, you can’t pick the worst freeway lane every day of your sorry life.  Statistics don’t work that way.  Test it out by flipping a coin a thousand times or shuffling a deck of cards and picking out the joker.  I’m not sure just what those tests would prove normally but for our purposes you must do them behind closed doors.   In private.  Away from prying eyes.  Specifically, away from prying Chinese eyes.  Yes, you’ve guessed it… it’s a Communist Chinese plot to drive Americans crazy and therefore pave the way for an easy invasion of the American homeland.  After all, it’s easy to drive a tank over someone you’ve driven crazy who otherwise might be driving a tank to stop you (I once saw that on a fortune cookie.)
     Obviously, this is all being orchestrated by the ChiCom intelligence forces (aided no doubt by satanic Apple computer products.)  The next time you find yourself on the freeway cut off by a car that by all logic should’ve stayed in the lane next to you, look for the “control” van driving a little ahead of you.  They’re there all right; issuing orders to their minions, plotting the doom of American culture, one lane change at a time.
He's laughing at you, people.  Fight the ChiCom menace!
     Don’t become yet another victim of this evil Chinese plot!  Fight the ChiCom menace!  Remember the immortal words of someone who came before us:  “We shall go on to the end.  We shall fight on the seas and oceans.  We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the supermarket lines and the freeway lanes, we shall fight in the Walmart return lines; we shall never surrender.”  Harrumph…

* Not factually correct


  1. You left out the ChiCom plot in all of the stores now, the insipid self check out line. You know that has to be a plot to ruin the minds of Americans. The first thing the stupid thing does is ask you what language you want. REALLY??? This is America people, English should be the default and you would have to call an Immigration official to use a different language, that would clear that up pretty quickly. Then of course you start trying to scan your items, they haven't cleaned the glass in forever, so it's like trying to look through a dirty ice cube. Now that you've had to scan everything three times trying to get it read through the dirty, scratched glass, you come upon the worst item in your basket to scan, something that has the bar code on a curved surface. Forget it, it won't scan no matter what you try, so now you have to wait for help and the clerk brings over the little gun that scans everything perfectly the first time. Tell me thats not a ChiCom plot. They are laughing their little communist asses off at us right now.

  2. I agree. The only lines I want anything to do with are the long lines of ChiComs we can march into the sea 8 abreast (remember, it has been statistically proven that if you marched the population of The people's Republic of China into the sea 4 abreast you would never run out of them.) This method has the added benefit of not depleting our nuclear arsenal either! Let the long lines begin at Shaghai & Hong Kong! Muahahaha!!!!!!
