Musings from the, perhaps slightly touched, mind of the leading social commentator of our time.

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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Poll #26. What is the greatest invention of God or man?

     After a harrowing journey through Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Libya, “Agent X” surfaced on a small raft off the northern coast of Africa.  He is now resting in a hospital on the island of Malta.  Doctors say he has made a full recovery.  The following is an excerpt of the debriefing interview he had with HARRUMPH intelligence agents.
     *static* “HARRUMPH Intelligence division tape, Mediterranean station: February 23rd, 0430 hours.”  *static*

     Intelligence agent:  “Agent X, your radio reports seemed to be rather disjointed and well, quite frankly, sounded like the ravings of a lunatic.”
     Agent X:  “Well, I’d like to hear how you’d sound after being wrapped up like a mummy for 2 weeks straight.  Not to mention the fact that after escaping from the Cairo Museum of Antiquities without loosing my mummy head I was stranded in the desert for another 2 weeks.”
     Intelligence agent:  “Tell us what you saw while in Cairo.”
     Agent X:  “It was really something.  People in the street… protesting, having bar-be-ques, putting flowers in tank barrels.  Really something.  Kinda reminded me of Kent State, especially after the security forces rode camels into the crowd.  Man, they stomped the s*#t outta them”
     Intelligence agent:  “How did you escape from the Cairo museum and get away from the rioters that broke in and caused all that damage?”
     Agent X:  “Wow, I really thought my head was their next soccer ball when I saw them kick the first mummy head off.  Ummm…”
     A second, different voice:  “Go ahead son, tell us what happened.”
     Agent X:  “Well, it got kinda weird.”
     The second voice:  “We’re listening.”
     Agent X:  “I don’t know…”
     Intelligence agent:  “Agent X, I don’t need to remind you that this is your official report.  We need the truth.  Don’t hold anything back or you could be charged under Section C, paragraph 4 of the HF publication 7110.65, ‘Robert’s Rules for Sliding Scale Punishments,’ also known as ‘The Matrix.’”
     Agent X:  “I don’t know… *sobbing sound* I don’t…”
     Intelligence agent:  “Tell us!  Tell us now dammit!  You know the waterboard is in the next room!”
     Agent X:  “Alright!  It was the Sphinx!  Hahahaha!  I knew it all along!  It was the Sphinx and his Chinese cohorts!  He was following me everywhere!  I’ve got to get away, he’s here!  Don’t you see him!  Don’t you see…”  *sounds of struggling, chairs breaking, handcuffs being applied and wild gibbering*
     The second voice:  “Get him out of here.  He’s no use to us now.”

*static* “HARRUMPH Intelligence division tape, Mediterranean station: February 23rd, 0442 hours.  Interview ends”  *static*

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