ATTENTION! ATTENTION! ATTENTION! The following is an official communiqué from the HARRUMPH
Ministry of Propaganda:
Soviet Army martial music CD plays in background*
“This is the voice of HARRUMPH, calling to all citizens of the
world. As you know, earlier this month
air and ground forces of the evil HARRUMPH organization have brought the fight
for the freedom of the world, into the lion king’s den that is Disneyland. We chose not this course of action lightly,
nor with malice toward the oppressed citizens of the corrupt Disney
Empire. We were forced to act, not only
for survival of our own minions, but for the very survival of freedom-loving
peoples throughout the globe.”
Commander of the Distapo executes prisoner on Main Street. |
“In retaliation for the endless list of atrocities, HARRUMPH
strategic air forces completely destroyed Toontown. In a thousand plane raid which lasted five hours, the entire city
center of Toontown was consumed in a firestorm in which temperatures reached
“In other news, HARRUMPH announced the capture of Goofy and
Donald Duck. They were apprehended
wearing women’s clothing trying to cross our lines mixed in with a group of
Japanese tourists. They are currently
being detained at the Disneyland kennel.
As the poll results indicate, Minnie Mouse, once captured, will face the
firing squad as a warning to other Disney forces to surrender. When asked where she might be hiding,
General George S. Patton IV, our most successful general, said: “I’m sure when
we capture Mickey we’ll get his tramp as well.
Just look for the mouse wearing kneepads.”
“Once again, this is the voice of HARRUMPH. To victory, and beyond!”
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