It has been
said that there are so many Chinese that you could walk the population of China
8 abreast into the sea and never run out.
For that reason, and for the unfortunate wall they built ages ago, an
invasion of China has always been problematic.
Well, the evil HARRUMPH organization has solved the riddle to the key to
China… carpet-bombing.
In order to assist the United States in paying off the
enormous debt they have accumulated in their pursuit of happiness, HARRUMPH has
contracted to use U.S. Air Force B-52 and B-1 squadrons in their air campaign. By using air assets, HARRUMPH has bypassed
the “great” wall of foolishness the Chinese have been relying on for protection
for centuries. Carpet-bombing is also
very useful in reducing infantry-heavy ChiCom units.
the future, our forces will continue to eradicate the ChiCom menace wherever we
find it. We will use every tool at our disposal;
from self-actuating, flame-throwing security units, to autonomous gatling gun equipped Roombas, to
parachuting genetically engineered velociraptors behind Chinese lines. To victory, and beyond!
Most excellent Evil Genius In Charge!!! I knew this day would come, and much sooner than expected/anticipated!