Musings from the, perhaps slightly touched, mind of the leading social commentator of our time.

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Sunday, September 18, 2011

Harrumph File #086 09.18.2011_ The Original Hawaii 5-O Was So Much Better Than The New One

     “Book ‘em Danno.”  Those three words used to warm the hearts of many Americans (not to mention budding Evil Geniuses,) back in the day when Jack Lord first uttered them, usually preceded by some rather creative uses of the English language, with McGarrett telling the criminal they were about to incarcerate, just what kind of a despicable human being he truly was.  And now we have had a season of Hawaii 5-O, part deux.
     Yeah, the re-make has had some cool plot lines and some neat weapons and terrific scenery, but it’s just missing  something.  Let’s see… the original had Hawaii and the remake has Hawaii, so there’s no change there.  The original had some cool weapons like brand new M-16’s and McGarrett’s nifty little .38 snub-nose.  The re-make has some cool weapons too like SIGs and H&K’s so that pretty much balances out.  The original had some cool plot lines with international intrigue as well as the run-of-the-mill murder.  The re-make does too, including the Evil Genius, Wo Fat, just like the original.  Although the new one I expect at any moment to dramatically reveal a secret ingredient for some “iron chefs” to use in a cooking competition.
     So what is it that the re-make is missing?  I would like to say a good cast, because, you know, you just can’t top the original actors in a hit production.  I mean, it would be like having someone try to out-perform John Wayne as Rooster Cogburn in a pathetic re-make of a timeless classic like “True Grit.”  It just wouldn’t be done.  It would be the height of folly.  It would…(rustling of papers from off-page)  What?  Jeff Bridges?  Matt Damon?  You’re kidding?  (more rustling of papers from off-page.)  Ok, so maybe it would be more like someone re-making a timeless classic like “Planet of the Apes.”  I mean who could top Charleton Heston throwing out lines like: “A planet where apes evolved from men?”  No way, couldn’t be done, height of folly, etc., etc. (more rustling of papers.)  Oh come on, not that too?  And another one?  Without any real apes at all?  Maybe they should’ve named it “Escape from the battling conquest of the not-real planet of the CGI apes.”  Ok, it would be like re-making a timeless classic like “Them!,” or “The Giant Claw,” or “Zontar, the Thing From Venus.”  That last one is pretty cool because if you spell it Zantar then MS Word tells you that you’ve misspelled “Zontar.”  Hmmm, someone at Microsoft is a B-movie buff!
Ewwww!  Book it, Danno!
     Anyway, I’m getting off-topic here so I’ll bring it back by telling you just what’s missing from the new “Hawaii 5-O.”  You may have guessed it, but for those of you that live on dunderhead island here it is:  Yes, it’s those simple three words, “book ‘em, Danno.”  Now, I know the new McGarrett used them in the pilot episode, but I don’t believe he’s uttered them once the balance of the season.
     Now, the real McGarrett was a true artist in the use of that phrase.  You could always count on him to come through with a great climax to an hour of excitement, drama, gunplay, blue business suits, and a wave of hair that would rival any Waimea Bay beach breaker.  “You’re the kind of slime ball that I’ll enjoy seeing in the electric chair when they pull that lever down making you dance the dance of an electric puppet.  And afterwards I hope that you burn for eternity in the darkest recesses of the lowest pit of hell, all the while being tormented by the foulest creatures ever cast into the brimstone fire.  Book ‘em, Danno.  Murder One.”  Harrumph…

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